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2018-02-28 09:50  






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2011.09-2014.06       中南大学,        资源与生物工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学博士

2008.09-2010.12       武汉理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学硕士

2004.09-2008.06       武汉理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学学士



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[2]湖北省人才计划项目,No. 20232285,磷资源绿色高效利用,2024.01-2026.12,主持;

[3]国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 51974205,纳米气泡降低还原氧化石墨烯缺陷度的基础研究, 2020.1-2023.12,主持;


[5]国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No. 51504176,石墨提纯方法与石墨烯缺陷度及厚度分布关系的基础研究,2016.1-2018.12,主持;  


[7] 湖北三宁化工股份有限公司,No. SNBHRD201701,湿法磷酸萃取过程中的泡沫行为调控及提升磷矿萃取率研究,2017.5-2018.8,主持;



[1] Hongqiang Li, Chenglong Liu, Zhaokai Peng, Qian Chen, Richard M. Kasomo,Yanfeng Jin, Xiaoqing Weng, Nelima M. Ondiaka, Yingxin Chen*, Shaoxian Song.Utilization of methyltrichlorosilane as a novel and efficient reagent to enhance fluorine recovery from wet-process phosphoric acid[J].Journal of Cleaner Production 2024, 444:141295. (SCI, IF:11.1, JCR Q1)

[2] Yingxin ChenJ. Viridiana García-MezaBowen Zhou Zhaokai PengQian ChenRichard M. KasomoXiaoqing Weng, Hongqiang Li*, Shaoxian Song.Efficient recovery of fluorine from wet-process phosphoric acid using silicon powder as a new and eco-friendly reagent[J].Separation and Purification Technology2024(337): 126435. (SCI, IF:8.6, JCR Q1)

[3] Hongqiang Li, Yuxuan Mao, Huifang Zheng, Richard M. Kasomo, Peng Huang, Yingxin Chen, Qian Chen*, Xiaoqing weng, Dongsheng He, Shaoxian Song.Impact of geological origin on flotation separation of apatite from dolomite using β-naphthyl sulfonate formaldehyde condensate as depressant[J]. Minerals Engineering,2022(176):107323,(SCIIF:4.765,JCR Q1).

[4] Hongqiang Li,Yingxin Chen,Huifang Zheng,Peng Huang,Pujia Yang,Qian Chen*,Xiaoqing Weng, Dongsheng He, Shaoxian Song.Effect of geological origin of apatite on reverse flotation separation of phosphate ores using phosphoric acid as depressant[J]. Minerals Engineering,  2021,172:107182. (SCIIF:4.765,JCR Q1).

[5] Qian Chen,Richard M. Kasomo, Hongqiang Li*,Xiangke Jiao, Huifang Zheng,Xiaoqing Weng, Nicholas M. Mutua, Shaoxian Song, Dongsheng He,Huihua Luo.Froth flotation of rutile-An overview[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2021,163: 106797. (SCIIF:3.795,JCR Q1).

[6] Hongqiang Li, Wu Ge,, Jun Zhang, Richard M. Kasomo, Jiahao Leng, Xiaoqing Weng,Qian Chen, Qian Gao, Shaoxian Song, Linbo Xiao, Chengtao Tian.Control foaming performance of phosphate rocks used for wet-process of phosphoric acid production by phosphoric acid[J].Hydrometallurgy,2020, 195:105364, (SCI, IF:3.465,JCR Q1 )  

[7] Richard M. Kasomo,Hongqiang Li*, Huifang Zheng, Qian Chen, Xiaoqing Weng,Akisa D. Mwangi, Emmanuel Kiamb, Shaoxian Song*.Depression of the selective separation of rutile from almandine by Sodium Hexametaphosphate[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2020,593:124631. (SCIIF:3.131,,JCR Q1).

[8] Richard M. Kasomo,Hongqiang Li*, Huifang Zheng, Qian Chen, Xiaoqing Weng,Akisa D. Mwangi, Wu Ge, Shaoxian Song.Selective flotation of rutile from almandine using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) as a depressant[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2020,157: 106544. (SCIIF:3.795,,JCR Q1).

[9] Qian Chen, Maomao Tian, Huifang Zheng, Huihua Luo, Hongqiang Li*, Shaoxian Songa,Dongsheng He, Xinhua Jiang.Flotation of rutile from almandine using sodium fluorosilicate as the depressant[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2020,599:124918. (SCIIF:3.131,,JCR Q1).

[10] Richard M. Kasomo, Hongqiang Li*, Qian Chen, Diallo A.Soraya, Minani Leopold, Xiaoqing Weng, Akisa D. Mwangi, Emmanuel Kiamba, Wu Ge, Shaoxian Song.Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfite depression of almandine from rutile in flotation system[J]. Powder Technology, 2020,374:49-57. (SCI, IF:4.124,JCR Q1)

[11] Peng ChenHongqiang Li*Hao YiFeifei JiaLang Yang,Shaoxian Song.Removal of graphene oxide from water by floc-flotation[J]. Separation and Purification Technology,2018,202:27-33. (SCI, IF:3.927, JCR Q1) 

[12] XiaoqingWeng,HongqiangLi*, ShaoxianSong, YanyanLiu. Reducing the entrainment of gangue fines in low grade microcrystalline graphite ore flotation using multi-stage grinding-flotation process[J]. Minerals,2017,7(3):38. (SCI, IF:2.06,JCR Q2)  

[13] Hongqiang Li,Shunxin Mu, Xiaoqing Weng, Yunliang Zhao,Shaoxian Song*. Rutile Flotation with Pb2+ Ions as Activator: Adsorption of Pb2+ at Rutile/Water Interface[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2016,506:431-437. (SCIIF:2.75,JCR Q1). 60

[14] Li Hongqiang, Feng Qiming*, Ou Leming, Long Sisi, Cui Mengmeng,Weng Xiaoqing. Study on washability of microcrystal graphite using float–sink tests[J]. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2013, 23:855-861. (SCI,1.416,JCR Q1)

[15] 李洪强,冯其明,欧乐明,周伟光,曾培. 利用聚合氯化铝降低隐晶质石墨浮选过程中绢云母脉石的夹带[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,46(11):3975-3982.(EI)

[16] 李洪强,郑惠方,戈武,翁孝卿,宋少先,肖林波. 浮选过程中的泡沫夹带研究进展[J].金属矿山,2018,510(12):67-72.

[17] 李洪强,苗呈佶,翁孝卿,陈骞,宋少先,李洪潮. 金红石与石榴石浮选分离试验研究[J].金属矿山,20185:84-87.

[18] 李洪强,母顺兴,张艳清,李洪潮,宋少先.乳化煤油在金红石与石榴石浮选分离中的增效作用研究[J].金属矿山,2018,501(3):97-101.



[1] 李洪强;陆泽通;李阿豪;翁孝卿;毛雨轩;张旭东,ZL 2023 2 0079289.5一种磷石膏浮选废水絮凝沉淀后分质分流回用装置,2023.05.09.(授权)

[2]李洪强; 丁一刚; 何东升; 翁孝卿,ZL201710519510.3 一种氧化石墨烯脂肪胺脱除剂及其应用方法,2020.10.23.(授权)

[3] 李洪强; 陈鹏; 丁一刚; 翁孝卿; 彭伟军,ZL201710519567.3一种聚合氯化铝改性氧化石墨烯吸附剂的制备及其应用方法 ,2020.08.28.(授权)

[4]李洪强; 戈武; 肖林波; 田承涛; 张峻; 李东郎,ZL201910322018.6 一种预处理强化湿法磷酸萃取反应的方法,2021.02.12授权

[5]李洪强;张文;翁孝卿,ZL 202110946386.5一种常温氧化法消除湿法磷酸萃取反应泡沫的方法, 2023.11.17 授权

[6]翁孝卿;李东郎;李洪强,周葵;戈武;张峻,ZL201811071581.2 一种适用于浮选的季铵盐,2021.12.31(授权)




[1] 石榴子石尾矿浮选回收金红石新药剂及作用机理研究, 非金属矿科学技术奖基础研究类二等奖(1)2021

[2] 中低品位胶磷矿高效利用基础研究,绿色矿山科学技术奖基础研究一等奖(6)2020


[4]磷石膏资源化综合利用关键技术研发与产业化, 湖北省科技进步二等奖(4)2019





