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2018-02-27 15:23  





Email: liumingxia820@126.com




· 2011.09-2019.01     中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,矿业工程,工学博士

· 2017.07-2018.01     University of Alberta化学工程与材料学院 助理研究员                             

· 2014.09-2016.09     University of Alberta化学工程与材料学院联合培养博士                              

· 2007.09-2011.06     中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,矿物加工工程工学学士


    2019.08  2023.11  太阳成集团的官方网站太阳集团欢迎您/太阳集团欢迎您,讲师

2023.11   太阳成集团的官方网站太阳集团欢迎您/太阳集团欢迎您,副教授





[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,No. 52104264,捕收剂分子结构与微细粒烧绿石型铌矿可浮性的构效关系,主持

[2] 湖北省教育厅中青年人才项目,No.Q20201505,添加剂对铁、钴、铜物相转变调控机制研究,主持

[3] 太阳成集团的官方网站科学基金项目,基于还原焙烧的高铁赤泥与磷石膏双向热活化-固硫反应行为研究,主持

[4] 校企合作项目,硫精矿制备磷酸铁技术开发,主持

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 22078285,风化壳淋积型稀土矿原地浸出矿-液界面作用调控机制,参加

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 52074195,高海拔厚风化壳淋积型中重稀土强化浸出机理研究,参加

[7] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,No.51234008铁铝复合矿中非铁元素分离与提取新工艺的基础研究 参加 


1. Mingxia Liu; Hong Yu; Hanquan Zhang*; Kaipeng Wang; Xiaoli Tan; Qi Liu*. Roles of the Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Groups of Collectors in the Flotation of Different-Sized Mineral Particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022. 637: 128262

2. 郝娇,毛润,胡超杰,张汉泉,刘明霞*. 添加剂活化赤泥磁化焙烧-弱磁选回收铁. 矿冶工程,2023,43(2): 91-96.

3. 刘明霞,胡超杰,姬志杰,张汉泉. 赤泥磁化焙烧——磁选提铁试验研究. 烧结球团,2022472):74-80.

4. Mingxia Liu, Hao Li, Tao Jiang, Qi Liu*. Flotation of coarse and fine pyrochlore using octyl hydroxamic acid and sodium oleate. Minerals Engineering, 2019, 132:191-201.

5. Mingxia Liu, Changgen Wang, Jun Luo, Mingjun Rao*, Guanghui Li, Tao Jiang. Sodium salts assisted separation and enrichment of valuable components from Lateritic Iron Ore. JOM, 2019. 71(9): 3181-3189

6. 谢蕾, 宋文强, 邢张溪, 陈官华, 刘明霞*, 余洪. 低品位含金硫酸渣氯化焙烧浸出工艺研究[J]. 矿冶工程, 2022, 42(5):5. 

7. Hanquan Zhang, Feng Zhou, Hong Yu, Mingxia Liu*. Double roles of sodium hexametaphosphate on the flotation of dolomite from apatite. Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 626:1-9.

8. 余洪,宋文强,张汉泉,陈官华,刘明霞*. 硫精矿中铜钴同步浸出试验研究. 矿冶工程,2021 

9. Mingxia Liu, Tao Jiang, Qi Liu*. Fine mineral flotation in relation to collector-mineral affinity. IMPC 2018-29th International Mineral Processing Congress, 2019, 2299-2310.

10. Guanghui Li, Mingxia Liu, Mingjun Rao, Tao Jiang*, Jinqiang Zhuang, Yuanbo Zhang. Stepwise extraction of valuable components from red mud based on reductive roasting with sodium salts. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 280:774-780.

11. Hao Li, Mingxia Liu, Qi Liu*. The effect of non-polar oil on fine hematite flocculation and flotation using sodium oleate or hydroxamic acids as a collector. Minerals Engineering, 2018, 119:105-115.

12. Hao Li, Mingxia Liu, Qi Liu*. Oil assisted flotation of fine hematite using sodium oleate or hydroxamic acids as a collector. Physicochemical problems in mineral processing. 2018; 54(4):1130-1145.

13. Hao Li, Mingxia Liu, Qi Liu. The effect of non-polar oil on batch flotation of fine hematite and quartz using sodium oleate or hydroxamic acid as collectors, 56th annual conference of metallurgists hosting world gold and nickel cobalt, Vancouver, Canada.

14. Hongbiao Tao, Subiao Liu, Mingxia Liu, Phillip Choi, Qi Liu, Zhenghe Xu*. Revelation of the Nature of Ligand−PbS Bond and Its Implication on Chemical Functionalization of PbS. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(37): 22981-22988.




