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2018-02-27 15:23  






E-mail: bndeng@126.com


教 育 背 景

2016.092020.06 中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,钢铁冶金,工学博士                

2018.092019.08 University of Waterloo (加拿大)Chemical Engineering,联合培养博士

2013.092016.06 中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,矿业工程,硕士

2009.092013.06 太阳成集团的官方网站,环境与城市建设学院,矿物加工工程,学士


工 作 履 历



研 究 领 域

[1] 大宗固废综合利用

[2] 共伴生稀有稀散金属提取

[3] 固废材料化增值利用


学 术 成 果


[1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目铁铝复合铁矿中非铁元素分离与提取新工艺的基础研究(51234008),参与;

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于直接还原法的高铁铝土矿铁铝分离的基础研究(51174230),参与;



[1]Deng BN,Li G H*, Luo J, Ye Q, Liu M X, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Enrichment of Sc2O3andTiO2 from bauxite ore residues, Journal of Hazardous Materials.2017, 331, 71-80. (SCI, Top 期刊,IF: 9.038,中科院一区/ JCR一区)

[2]Deng B N, Si P X, Bauman L, Luo J, Rao M J, Peng Z W, Jiang T, Li G H*,Zhao B X*. Photocatalytic activity of CaTiO3 derived from roastingprocess of bauxite residue. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020,244, 118598. (SCI, Top 期刊,IF: 7.246,中科院一区/ JCR一区)

[3]Deng B N, Li G H*, Luo J*, Ye Q, Liu M X, Rao M J, Jiang T. Bauman L,Zhao B X. Selectively leaching the iron-removed bauxite residues withphosphoric acid for enrichment of rare earth elements. Separation andPurification Technology. 2019, 227, 115714. (SCI, Top期刊,IF: 5.774,中科院一区/JCR一区)

[4]Deng B N, Li G H*, Luo J, Ye Q, Liu M X, Rao M J*, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Selectiveextraction of rare earth elements over TiO2 from bauxite residuesafter removal of their Fe-, Si-,and Al-bearing constituents. JOM.2018,70, 2869-2876. (SCI, IF: 2.029, 中科院三区/ JCR一区)

[5]Deng BN,Li G H*, Luo J, Zeng J H, Rao M J, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Alkaline digestionbehavior and alumina extraction from sodium aluminosilicate generated inpyrometallurgical process. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgyand Materials, 2018, 25, 1380-1388. (SCI, IF: 1.713, 中科院三区/ JCR二区)   

[6]Deng BN,Jiang T, Li G H*, Ye Q, Gu F Q, Rao M J, Peng Z W. Effects of reductiveroasting with sodium salts on leaching behavior of non-ferrous elements inbauxite ore residue. Light Metals 2018, The Minerals, Metals &Materials Series. 157-164. ( EI )   

[7]Ye Q,Li G H*, Deng B N, Luo J, Rao M J, Peng Z W, Zhang Y B, Jiang T. Solventextraction behavior of metal ions and selective separation Sc3+ inphosphoric acid medium using P204. Separation and Purification Technology.2019, 209, 175-181. (SCI, Top 期刊,IF: 5.774,中科院一区/JCR一区)   

[8]Li GH*, Ye Q, Deng B N, Luo J, Rao M J, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Extraction ofscandium from scandium-rich material derived from bauxite ore residues. Hydrometallurgy.2018,176,62-68. (SCI, IF: 3.338, 中科院一区/JCR一区)   

[9]Li G H,Gu F Q, Luo J, Deng B N, Peng Z W, Jiang T. Recovery of iron-,titanium-bearing constituents from bauxite ore residue via magnetic separationfollowed by sulfuric acid leaching. Light Metals 2017. The Minerals,Metals & Materials Series, 75-81. (EI)   

[10]Gu F Q,Li G H, Peng Z W, Luo J, Deng B N, Rao M J, Zhang Y B, Jiang T UpgradingDiasporic Bauxite Ores for Iron and Alumina Enrichment Based on ReductiveRoasting. JOM. 2018,70,1893-1901.(SCI, IF: 2.029, 中科院三区/ JCR一区)   


[1] 一种从赤泥预处理得到的富钪渣中提取钪的方法,授权国家发明专利,ZL201610969378.1

[2] 一种从赤泥中富集钪的方法,授权国家发明专利,ZL 201510867655.3

[3] 一种用于合成托贝莫来石晶须的添加剂及其应用,授权国家发明专利,ZL201610239166.8

[4] 一种以粉煤灰为原料合成托贝莫来石晶须的方法,授权国家发明专利,ZL201610239049.1





