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2021-05-12 14:25  



地址:中国. 湖北. 武汉. 雄楚大街693号,太阳成集团的官方网站    





2016.092021.01   东北大学,资源与土木工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学博士 

2018.092019.10   Queen’s University (Canada)MiningEngineering,联合培养博士 

2013.092016.04   福州大学,紫金矿业学院,矿物加工工程,工学硕士 

2009.092013.06   太阳成集团的官方网站,环境与城市建设学院,矿物加工工程,工学学士


   2021.03至今            太阳成集团的官方网站,太阳集团欢迎您,年薪制副教授 





[1]         国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.51974064,基于强化赤铁矿反浮选的硅酸盐矿物选择性凝聚行为调控及其机理研究,主要参与人

[2]         国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.51874072,钙镁碳酸盐矿物表面浮选靶点的选择性掩蔽与促活研究,主要参与人



[1]         Tang Y,Yin W, Kelebek S. Magnesite-dolomite separation using potassium cetyl phosphateas a novel flotation collector and related surface chemistry, AppliedSurface Science, 508 (2020) 145191. (SCI检索; IF: 6.182)

[2]         Tang Y,Yin W, Kelebek S. Selective flotation of magnesite from calcite using potassiumcetyl phosphate as a collector in the presence of sodium silicate, MineralsEngineering, 146 (2020) 106154. (SCI检索; IF: 3.795)

[3]         Tang Y,Yin W, Huang S, et al. Enhancement of gold agitation leaching by HPGRcomminution via microstructural modification of gold ore particles, MineralsEngineering, 159 (2020) 106639. (SCI检索; IF: 3.795)

[4]         Tang Y,Kelebek S, Yin W. Surface chemistry of magnesite and calcite flotation andmolecular dynamics simulation of their cetyl phosphate adsorption, Colloidsand Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 603 (2020) 125246.(SCI检索; IF: 3.990)

[5]         Tang Y,Yao J, Yin W, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of cetyl phosphateadsorption in flotation of magnesite and pertinent chemical aspects, Minerals.10 (2020) 761. (SCI检索; IF: 2.380)

[6]         Tang Y,Yin W, Kelebek S. Molecular dynamics simulation of magnesite and dolomite inrelation to flotation with cetyl phosphate, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2020). (SCI检索; IF: 3.990)

[7]         Tang Y,Yin W, Wang J, et al. Effect of HPGR comminution scheme on particle propertiesand heap leaching of gold, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 59 (2020) 324-330.(SCI检索; IF: 1.456)

[8]         Yin W, Tang Y*, Ma Y, et al.Comparison of sample properties and leaching characteristics of gold ore fromjaw crusher and HPGR, Minerals Engineering, 111 (2017) 140-147. (SCI检索; IF: 3.795)

[9]         Ilankoon I M S K, Tang Y, GhorbaniY, et al. The current state and future directions of percolation leaching inthe Chinese mining industry: Challenges and opportunities, MineralsEngineering, 125 (2018) 206-222. (SCI检索; IF: 3.795)

[10]     Yin W, Tang Y*. Interactive effectof minerals on complex ore flotation: A brief review, International Journalof Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 27 (2020) 571-583. (SCI检索; IF: 1.713)

[11]     Yin W, Sun H, Tang Y*, et al. Effectof pulp temperature on separation of magnesite from dolomite in sodium oleateflotation system, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 55(2019) 1049-1058. (SCI检索; IF: 1.256)

[12]     印万忠, 唐远. 矿物基因浮选的研究现状[J]. 金属矿山, 2021, 50(1): 42-54.

[13]     印万忠, 唐远, 姚金, 罗溪梅, 王纪镇. 矿物浮选过程中的交互影响[J]. 矿产保护与利用, 2018, (3): 55-60.

[14]     唐远, 印万忠, 马英强, 迟晓鹏, 黄发兰. 高压辊磨对金矿石堆浸效果的影响机理[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2016, (7): 1531-1537.EI收录)

[15]     唐远, 印万忠, 迟晓鹏. 破碎方式对低品位金矿石全泥氰化的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2016,  26(2):423-429.EI收录)


[1]         印万忠, 唐远. 《浮选新技术与新工艺》, 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2017

[2]         印万忠, 姚金, 唐远. 《硅酸盐矿物分选》, 沈阳: 东北大学出版社, 2021



[1]      EGTASHMP协同抑制用于菱镁矿浮选脱钙的方法,CN109847947A

[2]         一种药剂在菱镁矿浮选脱钙中的应用,CN109847946B

[3]         一种菱镁矿温度控制浮选脱钙的方法,CN109622232B



[1]         2019年度中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物奖(图书奖)一等奖

[2]         2016度福州大学优秀硕士学位论文
